Superb Hospice

Respite Care

If you’re looking for respite care in Los Angeles, CA. At Superb Hospice, our short-term support is perfect for caregivers who need a break. Contact us today to learn more!

What is respite care in hospice?

Hospice respite care is a valuable service for families facing end-of-life issues. It provides much-needed rest and relief for primary caregivers whose loneliness, fatigue, and stress can lead to burnout.

Different care configurations are available that provide temporary residence for the terminally ill in a hospice or healthcare facility. During this time, trained professionals give round-the-clock nursing and personal care while providing emotional support to the ill person and family members.

Respite Care

When your loved one needs respite care

If you are in the unfortunate position of caring for a sick loved one, we understand how demanding and stressful it can be. To give yourself some relief from all your responsibilities, our respite care services provide reassurance that your loved one will continue to receive high-level medical attention when needed.

At Superb Hospice, our qualified providers arrive at your home ready to help out – with up to five days of coverage provided while you take time away as desired!

Respite Care Is a Short-Term Support For Caregivers

This friendly care provides caregivers with a break and:
24/7 Access to Quality Nursing Care

Schedule Your A Free Initial Consultation Today

Blog & News

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How to Empower Hospice Patients to Make Choices for Care

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