When Is It Time To Call Hospice?

When Is It Time To Call Hospice

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When Is It Time To Call Hospice?

End-of-life care can be a difficult subject to discuss and plan for, but it is important to be prepared. Hospice care offers support and comfort for the patient and their family during this time of transition. But when is it time to call hospice? Let’s look at what hospice care entails and when you might want to consider calling hospice services.

Despite receiving treatment, the patient’s condition remains unchanged, resulting in frequent hospital visits. Tending to daily tasks has become increasingly challenging, accompanied by weight loss, decreased appetite, and erratic sleeping patterns. The individual experiences a noticeable shift in social behavior and exhibits difficulty breathing. Persistent infections and distressing symptoms like uncontrolled pain, nausea, and vomiting are also apparent.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care provides comfort and support for individuals with terminal illnesses or conditions. This specialized care focuses on palliative measures, meaning it aims to relieve pain or other symptoms rather than treating the underlying illness. Hospice care seeks compassionate, quality care to help patients live as comfortably as possible during their end-of-life journey.

Top 4 Signs It May Be Time for Hospice Care

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when deciding when it’s time to call hospice. Ultimately, this decision should be made in consultation with the patient’s doctor, family members, and other healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s treatment plan. Generally speaking; however, hospice may be appropriate if:

If any of these criteria apply to you or your loved one’s situation, it may be time to call hospice services.

How Long Does Hospice Last?

When considering hospice care for a loved one, it’s natural to wonder about the duration of care. The length of hospice care can often depend on various factors, including the patient’s diagnosis and overall health condition.

Generally, hospice care is designed to support individuals with a life expectancy of six months or less. However, it’s important to note that some patients may exceed this timeframe, while others may require a shorter care period.

The primary goal of hospice care is to promote comfort and quality of life during the final stages of an individual’s journey. Hospice care professionals conduct regular evaluations, and care can be adjusted or extended as needed to serve the patient and their loved ones best.

How to Start Hospice Care?

Hospice care focuses on providing comfort, symptom management, and comprehensive support to individuals with life-limiting illnesses, emphasizing their quality of life rather than aggressive treatment.

To initiate this valuable service, patients and their families should consult with their medical team to determine eligibility and identify the best hospice provider in their area.

Collaboration between the patient, family, and healthcare professionals fosters a personalized care plan that addresses the individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Once hospice care is in place, patients and families can focus on cherishing their time together and prioritizing their well-being during this profound life stage.


End-of-life care can be difficult for everyone involved—but understanding when it’s time for hospice can help make the process easier. By understanding what hospice care entails and the criteria for calling a hospice service provider, you can make an informed decision about whether this type of end-of-life care would benefit you or your loved one. With compassionate care from experienced professionals and family support, end-of-life can still be meaningful despite being difficult.

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